Hands to the Plow – Together

When people genuinely work collaboratively, it pushes accomplishments to a higher level. This past weekend we had the opportunity to attend the Winter Village Bluegrass Festival.


The music was fantastic, and the setting was so intimate that we were able to watch closely as the musicians performed. Further, we were able to get up close and personal with the bands as they conducted workshops. We attended a workshop on songwriting taught by Claire Lynch. We attended a workshop on singing harmony taught by four members of the Balsam Range band.


I spent some time Saturday night (and early Sunday morning) jamming with other attendees. (Claire Lynch even came by and sang some harmony with me on a song I was leading.)


In all of this, it was very clearly evident that beautiful music is a result of collaboration. These musicians were all constantly communicating with each other in a variety of nonverbal ways as they were performing. As Claire taught about songwriting, she shared many of her experiences as a co-writer of songs. In their workshop on harmony singing, the guys in Balsam Range demonstrated how they work together to get the harmonies just right. As I was jamming, I was noticing how important it is to listen to the other players and make my own instrument blend with theirs.


Today at work I was a part of three different meetings in which the participants faced some real challenges collaboratively. I so appreciate the way things work when people work well together!