In Favor of Extravagance

The entire experience of camping in the spring is an experience of God’s extravagance. Early in the growing season in upstate NY, before the tree leaf canopy is fully developed, there are wildflowers in abundance on the forest floor. I’ve noted blooming mayapples, strawberries, flox, trilium, dandylion, and many more that I cannot name.


There are more birds than I normally see and hear. I’ve seen a Baltimore Oriole and red-winged blackbirds. I’ve heard a barred owl, and countless other birds. (I don’t know my bird calls.)


The mud has been extravagant as well. No photos yet, but it has been so pervasive it has had a constraining effect on my hiking.


The sunsets have been magnificent.


There is nothing “efficient” about God’s handiwork. He is abundant and extravagant beyond measure. When you consider the artistic impact of that sunset and the fact that it is created for only a few moments and then is is gone forever, you’ll see what I mean.